Payment by credit or debit card is welcome!
The WV State Treasurer's e-Government Services Program enables licensees and applicants to pay for renewal, application, or other licensure fees by debit or credit card. The system accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express payments.
Follow this link or select one of the logos below to pay securely through the WV State Treasurer's web site.

Important things to remember when paying by credit card:
- You must complete all fields in red blocks to complete the transaction.
- The WV State Treasurer charges a 2.25% user fee which will be reflected in your total amount.
- Be sure that you are paying the exact amount, as incorrect fees are nonrefundable.
- When your transaction is complete, be sure to print out your receipt issued by the WV State Treasurer, as Board of Social Work staff will not issue receipts for credit transactions.
- SUBMIT A copy of your receipt to the Board so staff will know to issue your license or renewal.
- If you lost your renewal form, contact the office as payment alone will not ensure your license is renewed.
- You should submit your renewal and continuing education with your receipt well in advance of your expiration date to assure timely renewal. Please do not send in your renewal and continuing education without payment verification.